3 qualities that will make you stand out as an entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship isn’t easy. It takes courage to start a business on your own. That’s why only highly motivated entrepreneurs are the ones who build a company that lasts. 

Dr. Rissy’s Writing & Marketing is a woman-owned business, and we are proud to say that our founder Morissa Schwartz has all the qualities that an entrepreneur needs to smoothly run her business. To this day, she is an Entrepreneur contributor, consultant at the Women’s Center of Entrepreneurship (WCEC), best-selling author, and has had a feature in Forbes.

We know how hard she has worked to achieve her goals. In the beginning, she was just doing writing and editing as a freelancer. Her work ethic and quality were evident, so a lot of clients started coming her way.

What might have started as a few freelance gigs slowly became bigger and bigger, and that’s when the idea of forming a marketing and writing company started. Dr. Rissy’s Writing & Marketing only had a few employees when it began. Nowadays, we work with freelancers from all over the world who deliver excellent work and are experts in their fields. For example, our Ads Expert has a Google Certificate and delivers when it comes to online ads.

Now, the question is the following: what made this business succeed? Well, these are the entrepreneur values that you need to have to make yourself stand out as Dr. Rissy did.


The 3 best qualities as an entrepreneur

There are millions of entrepreneurs out there, especially in the marketing field; since we work online every day of our lives, we need to showcase our work on all the available outlets.

But, how do you stand out from all this competition? Easy, you need to have values that will keep you in this game for the long run. So, today we want to talk to you about the 3 qualities that we consider are the most important at Dr. Rissy’s Writing & Marketing.


  • Focus on your goals

One of the qualities that clients appreciate is focus. At Dr. Rissy’s Writing & Marketing, onboarding calls are where we listen to our clients and ask all the necessary questions to begin working with them. During these calls, our team remains focused on hearing our clients and understanding what they actually need.

When you are focused, you will ask the right questions, have immediate answers to their concerns, and point out the right direction to continue working together. Our team knows how important it is to listen. Not only to respond correctly to clients’ preoccupations but to internalize their goals and take them on the correct marketing path to surpass their goals.

We encourage our team to remain focused during their working hours too. That doesn’t mean only doing their jobs while they are at their computers, because we know that people focus in different ways. If listening to music, taking breaks, or even working outside is what keeps you focused, then do it and always show the best version of yourself.


  • Know when and how to delegate

What really makes an entrepreneur stand out is knowing when it is the right time to start delegating your work. We are aware that most entrepreneurs have this need to do everything themselves. However, that does more damage to your business because first, you are displaying that you do not trust your employees to help you, and all of the weight is on your shoulders.

Now, when is the right time to delegate? The answer is simple: when you feel like everything is too much. When your business starts growing, every new responsibility that comes your way can be overwhelming. From administrative tasks to everyday responsibilities, it is essential to know which ones you can actually handle and which ones you can delegate.

You can start with the simplest thing and then find talented people like you who are in it for the long run. At our company, we have been lucky enough to count on professionals who can handle tasks for every one of our clients and have supported us in the highs and lows of our business. So today, we are grateful because we know that our company is in the right hands.

  • Stay positive

At all times, no matter what! This is one of our most precious assets because when you look at the brighter side of every situation, you will feel motivated to continue doing your work and achieving your goals.

Our founder taught us how important it is to stay positive, and during our team meeting last month, we mentioned one positive thing that happened to our clients or us during that month. When you start seeing and hearing the positive aspects of everyday life, you will feel more joyful and ready to beat any challenges.

Sometimes as human beings, it is easy to focus on the little negative things and not the positive, and every entrepreneur must be able to switch that focus and get ready to be the best version of themselves.


Suppose you are an entrepreneur and feel like you could need a little guidance, here at Dr. Rissy’s Writing and Marketing we have consultation services that can help you evaluate your business and seek aspects of improvement. Book a session with Dr. Rissy and see how you can make your business grow with a bit of help from us.
