Social media is all about interacting with your audience. So it is no wonder that you should always try and respond to their messages. When it comes to social media, there is always one way to do things right. For those of you who are still unsure as to how to work with social media in that way, here is a piece of advice you should always keep in mind whenever you interact with your audience’s comments on your platforms.
First of all, your response should be immediate. If someone leaves a comment in your social media sites about a certain topic, they will want you to respond within a 24-hour window. The problem with responding after a couple of days is that there is a high possibility they will no longer be interested in the question they asked, or the topic they commented on.
Secondly, you will want to be aware of popular topics in social media trending at the moment. You want your responses to them to be innovative and unique to your perspective. This combination that will make you stand out and keep your audience keep coming back to your pages. Chiming in on popular topics will also help you to remain connected to the concerns of your audience on a macrological scale. If you see a lot of people talking about the same thing, why not join in the discussion?
Last but not least, remember that not all the comments are going to be positive. In such instances, you will need to learn how to deal with these situations. If someone leaves a comment with a critique about a specific subject, let them know that their comment has been taken into consideration. There are people who love what you do, and there will be people who don’t. Nevertheless, there is always room for improvement in your line of work, therefore it is wise not to take these comments too personally. The worst mistake you could make is getting into a fight with someone from your audience.
Social media is a place to share and discuss diverse topics, so stay away from negativity and focus on the overall quality of the discourse you generate. You will see great results come from your effort.