The best tips and tricks to practice your copywriting skills

The best way to improve your copywriting skills is to write, write, and write. Our team practices by writing about anything and everything; what happened during their day, what they dreamed about, etc. 

If you have novice friends in the field, you can create a copywriting club. Choose a topic each week and write about it. Then, share your content with each other and see what you can improve.

Another thing that it’s important is to find a mentor. There are many marketing and copywriting agencies out there that are looking to hire and teach new talent. Form relationships with your coworkers and find someone willing to help you in your career. 

Last but not least, read. Read a lot! Reading will expand your mind, and supply you with new ideas and stories!

These are the things that worked for us but keep in mind that everyone is different! That is why we want to share a few proven tricks that have worked for many when it comes to improving copywriting skills.

Proven Tips and Tricks to Improve Your Copywriting

  • Read copywriting books.

If you want to start improving your writing habits, start learning about what makes good copy!

Go on an article hunt to find the best books about copywriters for copywriters. There’s also a plethora of YouTube videos that supply knowledge on the topic! Dive into the world by learning from the experts themselves!

  • Rewrite a few paragraphs from your favorite article

Once you practice enough writing, your style will reveal itself. How do you find it? Spend some time reading articles that you enjoy, then select your favorites, and rewrite them!

Rewriting an article or pieces from a book can help you understand what the author was thinking and their creative process. Make sure to do this two or three times during the week to allow your style to freely show itself. 

  • Read out loud.

When you read out loud you start to pay attention to how a paragraph reads and flows. Start by reading line by line, enunciating each one of them. Then read everything together and figure out how it sounds and what it means.

Sometimes when you are writing something down it may sound good in your head, but when you say it out loud it is the complete opposite. Focus not on the words, but on the flow.

What do the experts say?

This week we discussed this topic with Andrew Boulton (@Boultini), the author of “Copywriting Is…: 30-or-so Thoughts on Thinking like a Copywriter,” a book whose main goal is to teach others about what Andrew has been doing over the past 10 years: copywriting.

His main advice was the following: “Just remember that all advice is experimental. There are no truths, there are no doctrines. You’re free to use, discard and mutate any advice you’re given, no matter who is giving it. The goal is not to become some textbook diagram of the optimal copywriter, but the best and strangest and most unique copywriter you’re capable of being.”

As he mentioned, even when there exists a few tips and tricks like we mentioned before, it is about adapting them to your style. Every copywriter is different, and you just need to find the one thing that makes you YOU.
