Types of influencers and who should work with them

Nowadays, almost every brand works with influencers because they have the ability to mold the perception that your audience has about a particular product or service. Social media influencers, as their name suggests, influence the buying behavior and decision-making of their followers.

Using influencers in your marketing strategy is a technique that has become successful over the years, and the reason is simple: influencers give you results. You just have to select the ones that will work hand in hand to positively promote both your product and your brand.

Now, there are many social media influencers worldwide; it is the new rising profession that has given a lot of people the accessibility of working from home and making their own rules. So, the question is, how do I know which influencers are right for me?

That is what we are going to discuss today. Then, we are going to go over the most popular types of influencers and let you know which will work effectively for your brand. And last but not least, we will let you know how to adapt them to your marketing strategy.

Keep in mind that when you are working with influencers, you can give them the necessary guidelines to get the work done; what do you want to highlight about your product or service? What is the main goal, and in which format do you want them to showcase your product? Influencer marketing is all about teamwork, and clear communication is vital to get the best results.

Five Types of Influencers


Everybody categorizes influencers differently; at Dr. Rissy’s Writing & Marketing, we decided to separate them into five different types. What separates one from others is their amount of following and engagement rate.

  • Big celebrities


Without a doubt, the influencers with the most significant amount of followers are celebrities. If you have a big brand or are recognized in the industry, you might find one to use these types of influencers to promote your brand. 

If you look closer to the marketing strategies of big brands, they rely a lot upon these kinds of influencers to promote their products. However, the thing with big celebrities is that even though they have more than a million followers on their accounts, their engagement rate is low. Many of them don’t have more than a 1.5% engagement rate, meaning their message only gets to a small portion of their audience.

Large companies can afford the cost of these influencers, so if it’s under your abilities, we highly recommend reaching out and using them in your strategy.

  • Macro and micro-influencers


Macro influencers aren’t celebrities, but for sure, they are well known in the social media world. Their following goes from 100k to 500k. Although, without a doubt, they are leaders, and they have gained their reputation. Working with macro-influencers will give you the reach that you are looking for to get your product or service out there.

On the other hand, micro-influencers are starting to make their way in the social media world, and what we love the most about them is that they have a loyal audience. Over the past years, we have noticed that micro-influencers have great power; they are loved, their audience takes care of them, and they will follow any kind of advice.

Micro-influencers’ following rate is between 1k and 100k, and as we said their credibility is their most important factor, that’s why they only promote products that they believe in and feel close to their heart. 

  • Fans


We have discussed celebrities, micro and macro-influencers, now it’s time to talk about the fans. Fans that are loyal to a brand are more impactful than you think, when someone who follows the influencers mentioned above tries a product recommended by them and likes it, they will immediately share on social media.

And that social media post reaches normal people like you and me; they will make sure to recommend the brand to their friends, family, and workmates. You might not reach out to them directly in your marketing strategy, but you have to let them know that their opinion is heard and that you appreciate what they do for you by posting their content.

  • Brand Advocates


These are your regular customers, those who have loved your brand since the start. Brand advocates will showcase what they love the most about your product or service in multiple ways: they can leave a review, create a fun video, or even post a story recommended in it to their friends.

Some brands reach out to these brand advocates, it is an uncommon marketing strategy, but it gives you great results when used well. What they usually do is find out about these people who love your brand, and invite them to do a takeover on their account, or even make a video talking about why they love a certain product so much.

This has been done by several big brands, where they take people who like what they do and create a video showing why certain people feel close to you or your brand.

  • Brand Employees


Employees are your number one influencers. When employees feel happy working for you and your brand, they will showcase their emotions on their social media profiles.

Some brands create kits for their employees and give it to them when they start working in the company, reach certain goals, or even complete an important project. It is a way for brands to say that their employees matter to them, and without them, they wouldn’t be where they are today.

These insiders encourage others to post about your product, not only because they are working for you but because you made them believe in you and what you are doing. Remember: employees are one of the most important influencers, and you shouldn’t leave them aside.


At Dr. Rissy’s Writing and Marketing, we have PR packages that can help you work with influencers. We will make sure to find the ones that work for you and that will firmly believe in your brand; at the end of the day, the impact of influencers is vast, and you should take advantage of what they can offer for you.
